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Blockchain Technology

I'd like to share with you my passion for Blockchain, sometimes referred to as Decentralized Ledger Technology (DLT). This is an exciting time to learn about Blockchain because while it's still in its early stages and tons new innovations are being introduced on a daily basis, you will start to see many industries incorporate this technology into their business model. So, this is the best time to familiarize yourself with something that will soon become part of your daily life.

I’m currently taking the Blockchain: Disruptive Technology course at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), so I’m using my coursework and assignments as prompts for my blog posts. I will update this blog weekly as I continue through my journey.

If you have any specific questions or would like me to expand on a specific sub-topic, please post in the comments or drop me an email and I'll be sure to address in a following blog post. Enjoy!

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